2016-05-23 11:28:59

Prof. Jean Lilensten’s Visit At A. Alikhianian National Laboratory

On these days A. Alikhanian National Science Laboratory is hosting Prof. Jean Lilensten, research director at the Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (France) and one of the founders of the Space Weather discipline in Europe.

On May 23, 2016 prof. Lilensten delivered a lecture titled “Recent advances in auroral physics: the polar light polarization to the YerPhI master and PhD students. The audience was very interested in the Sun influence on different aspects of life on the Earth.

Next lecture was held on May 24, 2016 at YerPhI seminar hall and was titled ,,Common problems of Space Weather,,.

During his visit, prof. Lilensten will visit some of the YerPhI divisions, discuss the cooperation between two institutes, the possibility of joint master and PhD program. His visits will also include Nor Amberd and Aragats Research Stations and Sevan.

Cosmic ray Division of YErPhI has an intensive program of the Space Weather research creating the world-wide network of particle detectors named SEVAN (Space Environmental Viewing and Analysis Network).

The nodes of SEVAN on Aragats, in Bulgaria, Slovakia and other countries are uninterruptedly follow Sun to report large eruptions and dangerous solar bursts.

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