Database of Directivity Functions of Neutron Monitors

The database contains Directivity Functions of 39 NM stations, located at low, middle and high latitudes. Directivity Functions are presented in geographic coordinates in the interval of longitudes (–180o…180o) and latitudes (–90o…90o) with the step size 5o. The color-coding gives the flux of primary galactic protons from blue (no contribution) to red (maximum contribution).
The database was created by Grigori Karapetyan, Tigran Karapetyan, and Zaruhi Asaturyan.
Copyright(c) 2017 Cosmic Ray Division, Yerevan Physics Institute, All Rights Reserved.
This database is free; you can redistribute, modify and use the graphs for any purposes except for commercial use. When publishing the results obtained by using these graphs, it must be acknowledged by quoting the following reference and URL:
G.G. Karapetyan, Directivity function of neutron monitors, J. Geophys. Res. Space 2017, vol. 122. Issue 9
You must send a copy of any publications using these data to
What Is Directivity Function?