- Numerical analysis of 2010 high-mountain (Tien-Shan) experimenton observations of thunderstorm-related low-energy neutron emissions
- Fundamental Processes Capable of Accounting for the Neutron Flux Enhancements in a Thunderstorm Atmosphere
- Lead-Free Gulmarg Neutron 1 Monitor observes 2.45 MeV neutrons co-related with natural atmospheric lightning discharges
- TETRA Observation of Gamma Rays at Ground Level Associated with Nearby Thunderstorms
- Study of Cosmic Ray Neutrons
- Observation of Neutron Bursts Produced by Laboratory High-Voltage Atmospheric Discharge
- The time structure of neutron emission during atmospheric discharge
- Gamma-Rays in Association with the Rocket-Triggered Lightning Caused by Neutron Bursts
- Sporadic variations of thermal neutron background measured by a global net of the en-detectors
- Properties of the X-ray emission from rocket-triggered lightning as measured by the Thunderstorm Energetic Radiation Array (TERA)
- Joint radio and optical observations of the most radio-powerf Duisclussions intracloud lightning discharges
- Predicting Cloud-to-Ground and Intracloud Lightning in Weather Forecast Models
- Electron, Muon, and Hadron Lateral Distributions Measured in Air-Showers by the KASCADE Experiment
- The lower positive charge center and its effect on lightning discharges on the Tibetan Plateau
- Modeling Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- A Four-Year Survey of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) with Fermi LAT
- Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanche (RREA) and Terrestrial Gamma Flash (TGF) Research at Stanford University
- High-energy radiation from thunderstorms and lightning with the Large Observatory for x-ray Timing (LOFT) mission
- Электрический цикл в земной атмосфере
Рывок России: зачем в МГУ создали центр квантовых технологий
- High-Energy Physics with Johannes Knapp