
After obtaining and publishing final results of the MAKET-ANI (see Figure 1) experiment (Chilingarian, et al., 2007) the experiment was stopped for collecting high energy galactic cosmic rays. Some of the scintillators were used for rearranged smaller detector. Around the ASNT detector (consisted of four 60 cm thick scintillators and four 5 cm thick scintillators another 8 5 cm scintillators were arranged and attached to the 16 channel spectrum analyzer. We plan to test with this array new fast-timing technique to be used for new big array in Nor Amberd (Chilingarian, Hovsepyan, et al, 2007). Meanwhile new MAKET array provides following information:
1. 1 minute count rates of all 16 channels of the MAKET (see Table 19);
2. Count rate of the EAS triggering 8 and all 16 detectors;
3. Estimates of the variances of count rates of each MAKET channel, variances are calculated by 12 five-second count rates (see Table 21);
4. 16 x 16 correlation matrix of MAKET channels calculated by five-second count rates in 1 minute.
The data is stored in
In the directory “DEFOULT” following information is stored:
1. Columns 1-16 - the count rates of all 16 MAKET channels: first 4 columns – from 60 cm scintillators, 5-16 columns – from 5 cm scintillator. The count rates are posted in the Table 19;
2. Columns 17-18 – the count rates corresponding to the EAS initiated triggers. 17th column corresponds to the coincidence of the first 8 channels (ASNT scintillators), 18th column corresponding to the coincidence in all 16 channels. The count rates are posted in the Table 20;
3. Columns 19-34 – the variances of 16 channels, see Table 21;
4. Columns 35-154 – the correlation matrix.
In the directories “spectrum” following information is stored:
1. spectrum1, … spectrum4 the histograms of the energy releases in thick 60 cm scintillator are stored. In files with extension;
2. spectrum5, … spectrum16 the histograms of energy releases in 5 cm thin scintillators are stored;
In the CRD local server available files with following information:
· In the files with “events” extension is related to the Extensive Air Showers (EAS). The logical software trigger selects events when signals are more than in 8 detectors.