Dates: 15-19 December 2015

Location: San Farncisco, USA

With nearly 24,000 attendees, AGU Fall Meeting is the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world.Now in its 48th year, AGU Fall Meeting is the best place to present your research; hear about the latest discoveries, trends, and challenges in the field; and network and make connections that can enhance your career.

Ashot Chilingarian, Bagrat Mailyan poster: Thounderstorm Ground Enhancements Abruptly Terminated by the Lightening Flash 

Website: https://fallmeeting.agu.org/2015/

"NIDAYS 2015"

Dates: 27 November 2015

Location: Moscow, Russia

The aim of this conference is to discuss issues related to the implementation of innovative technologies for solving engineering problems, and their use for automation of production and experimental facilities, simulation, signal processing, and the results of scientific experiments, conduct of remotely experiment and improve the effectiveness of teaching the technical disciplines to students and the general level of engineering education.

The proceedings of the conference can be downloaded here: http://www.labview.ru/conference/Sbornik_NIDays2015.pdf

"Space Weather And Plasma in Space"

 starting on 01-02 May 2015 -08 May 2015

Location : Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

This workshop IsraSWAPS-2015 will be dedicated to the origin, evolution and predictability of physical processes that lead to the space weather hazards. Particular attention will be devoted to application of plasma physics methodologies and achievements to space weather problems. The meeting will also focus on using of plasma understanding as a test bed for astrophysics and space physics. Contributions in observations, theory, numerical simulations, and experiment are welcome. 

WebSite :  http://www.tau.ac.il/institutes/advanced/cosmic/Conferences/2015-IsraSWAPS/SWAPS-2015.html