CRD Annual report 2021 /main achievements, directions of research/ (Jan 20, 2022)
Last decade the research in high-energy physics in the atmosphere (HEAP) was mostly concentrated on measuring the particle fluxes from the electrified atmosphere (thunderstorm ground enhancements, TGEs, and Terrestrial gamma flashes, TGFs) and revealing their origin. Afterward, in 2021 started the research of the atmospheric electric fields with particle...
CRD main achievements in 2019-2020 (Jan 8, 2021)
Cosmic Ray Division physicists perform research in many areas of Astroparticle physics and high-energy Atmospheric physics: • CR Origin and acceleration mechanisms. • Solar-terrestrial connections; solar modulation of galactic CRs. • Solar proton accelerators. • High Energy phenomena in Atmosphere, Thunderstorm...
CRD Research profile and main achievements(2017-2018) (Jan 8, 2021)
In 1942, the famous physicists brothers Abram and Artem Alikhanian organized a scientific expedition to Mount Aragats and started cosmic ray detection with various particle detectors. They have found high-energy protons and deuterons in the flux of cosmic rays and several new unstable particles (called by them varitrons). These studies laid the foundation for the regular... -
Travel report of A. Chilingarian on participation in the workshop: science at the Pierre Auger... (Apr 30, 2011)
The main role of the world biggest Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina is to study the highest energy cosmic rays, but now the collaboration is interested in opening the facilities to scientists from other disciplines. The meeting in Cambridge was being organized to this end and studies of thunderstorms and cosmic rays were of upmost interest. I made invited talk on “Particle... -
STATUS REPORT (Mar 24, 2011)
Alikhanyan National Laboratory (ANL) April 2011 Summary ANL is a non-profit seeking, non-commercial legal State institution. The founder of the ANL is the Government Republic of Armenia (RA). Government of the Republic of Armenia nominates the Ministry of Economy for ANL governance. The funding bodies for ANL are Ministry of Economy and... -
Report on participation in the Management Committee Meeting of the COST Action ES0803 “Developing... (Nov 30, 2009)
COST is one of the European Union (EU) most successful instruments to promote scientific projects on the European level. There are hundreds of COST projects in numerous fields of science with thousands researchers from all the European and non-European countries (unfortunately only 2 from Armenia) making joint researches most important to the EU projects. Twice a year meetings...
Report on participation in the Armenian high tech industry (ArmTech) Congress’ 09, Silicon Valley... (Nov 15, 2009)
1. On November 4 I was among the delegation accompanying the PM of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan in his visits to Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) and Berkley University. At SLAC Mr. Sargsyan met with Director of SLAC – Dr. Persis Drell, Associate Lab Director - Dr. Dale Knutson, Director of Accelerator Research department Dr. Tor Raubenheimer,...
Yerevan Physics Institute Cosmic Ray Division History, status and development 2009-2014 (Sep 23, 2009)
Introduction Information on the particles of highest energies bombarding the Earth’s atmosphere provides vast information on the most violent processes in the Universe. One of the “main players” reflecting physical processes in stellar systems are particles and stripped nuclei reaching the Earth from interstellar space and from Sun, the so called... -
A.Chilingarian’s report on participation in Management Committee Meeting COST Action ES0803... (Apr 10, 2009)
Meetingof the INTAS collaboration N 06-1000017-8777, “Solar and Galactic Cosmic Ray Particle Acceleration and Modulation”; Meetings in Frascati and DESYaccelerator centers, April 5-9. COST (EuropeanCo-operation in the field of Scientific & Technical Research) was founded in 1971. COST is an intergovernmental frameworkallowing...
A.Chilingarian’s report on participation in study tour in UK “Commercialisation of Science and... (Mar 1, 2009)
23 – 27 February 2009 Aim of Study Tour The main aim of the 2009 Study Tour is to provide an opportunity for Directors of nuclear research institutes to see how the UK, faced with similar challenges of fund shortage for fundamental science researches, is developing effective commercialisation processes leading...