Two 18NM-64 neutron monitors (Moraal, et al., 2000), are in operation at Nor-Amberd (40o22'N, 44o15'E, 2000m above sea level), and at Aragats, (40o28'N, 44o10'E, 3250m above sea level) research stations. They called the Nor-Amberd Neutron Monitor (NANM), and the Aragats Neutron Monitor (ArNM), respectively. The monitors are equipped with new electronics providing time integration of counts by three dead times. The first dead time equals to 400ns for collecting almost all secondary neutrons generated in the lead of NM. The second dead time is equal to the 0.25ms and the third one equal 1.25ms (as most of NM from world-wide network).
The raw data of the NANM and ArNM is available from CRD http server by these links:
In the data files of the NM following information is stored (Table 14 and Table 15):
- columns 1+3i (i=0,…,17) - the count rates of all 18 channels of NM with dead time 400ns.
- columns 2+3i (i=0,…,17) - the count rates of all 18 channels of NM with dead time 0.25ms.
- columns 3+3i (i=0,…,17) - the count rates of all 18 channels of NM with dead time 1.25ms.
- column 55 – the pressure coefficient.
- columns 56 – 60 yet unused channels, additional neutron detectors to be attached soon.