CRD in Press
The Coverage of Armenian Public TV On SEVAN Detector (Jul 20, 2023)
'We're above civilisation': life in a cosmic ray station – photo essay (Jun 7, 2023)
Cut off during winter, a former Soviet weapons research facility high up on Mount Aragats, Armenia is now part of a network of sites around the world studying the mysterious particles... https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/feb/07/cosmic-ray-research-station-mount-aragats-photo-essay -
Конференция по радиобиологии на склоне вулкана Арагац./Б. Штерн/ (Jan 23, 2022)
«Скворечники» с пластиковыми сцинтилляторами — часть установки для широких атмосферных ливней. Ашот Чилингарян (в сером свитере и красном шарфе) ждет экскурсантов
The Quest to Understand How Thunderstorms Create Gamma Rays (Jan 20, 2022)
Researchers in Japan are enlisting an army of citizens to explore how thunderstorms on Earth create extreme bursts of radiation usually associated with black holes and other cosmic objects. By Elizabeth Gibney.
2002-2003 interviews (Jan 19, 2022)
2002-2003 interviews
Нор Амберд: сохраняя историю, двигаться вперед (Nov 25, 2021)
Портреты братьев Алиханян в конференц-зале станции "Нор Амберд". Экскурсия на верхнюю станцию "Арагац" Экскурсия для участников конференции на верхнюю космическую станцию началась для меня с посещения помещений нижней станции "Нор Амберд", проведенной еще в первый день работы...
Understanding High-Energy Physics in Earth’s Atmosphere (Feb 20, 2020)
Thunderstorms present a variety of hazards, including emissions of ionizing radiation. An international group of scientists met at an Armenian observatory to share their findings. Read more...
Armenia's Cosmic-Ray Catchers (Feb 20, 2020)
High in the Caucasus Mountains, a former Soviet weapons-research facility now studies mysterious particles streaking in from space. Read more...
Alone on a Mountaintop, Awaiting a Very Hard Rain (Feb 20, 2020)
But the universe is still the biggest and cheapest particle accelerator of them all. And so the buildings and the instruments at Aragats remain, like ghost ships in the cosmic rain, maintained for long stretches of time by a skeleton crew of two technicians and a cook. They still wait for news that could change the universe: a quantum bullet more powerful...
Unseen Armenia Physics Summer School at CRD (Jun 6, 2019)
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