2009-05-06 09:07:32 |
Experts visit future Nuclear Medicine Center in YerPhI
May 6, members of the governmental commission and experts from Ion Beam Applications (IBA), a world leading producer of accelerators and services for the radiation diagnostics, visited YerPhI. Discussions were held on the technical issues of Cyclotron to be purchased and installed in YerPhI, accelerator building and requested infrastructure problems.
Figure 1 Dr. Andrei Matties, Isotope Technology, Dresden, Manager branch office
in Moscow and Peter Leitner, Sales and Marketing Director, IBA, are discussing
the offered accelerator location site in YerPhI.

Figure 2 Mushegh Tumasyan, deputy
Economy Minister and Pegor Papazyan, CEO of National Competitiveness Foundation in
Figure 3
Negotiations on the creation of Nuclear Medecine Center in YerPhI, from left to
right: head of YerPhI accelerator division Dr. V.Nikogossyan, YerPhI director
A.Chilingarian, Director of Cancer Research Center in Karlsburg, France Dr.
F.Bashlo, Pegor Papazyan, CEO of National Competitiveness Foundation, Armenia, June 5, YerPhI, Armenia.