All news for February 2009
Visit of Professor Kapitsa to Yerevan Physics Institute (Feb 13, 2009)
February 13, 2009, by invitation of YerPhI director Ashot Chilingarian, Prof. Sergei Kapitsa, the renowned Russian physicist and educator visited Yerevan Physics Institute. Professor Kapitsa is well known by his scientific research in the area of accelerator physics, his multiyear lecturing in Moscow Physics –Technical Institute and as a presenter of the famous...
A New Monument to Artem Alikhanian at Yerevan Physics Institute (Feb 12, 2009)
In a memorable ceremony the new monument to Arem Alikhanian was unveiled at the main square of the Yerevan Physics Institute (YerPhI), on February 12, 2009. Artem Alikhanian is the founder and first director of Yerevan Physics institute, currently bearing his name. The 100 year anniversary of the renowned scientist was celebrated last year in...
The Launch of the Satellite Koronas-Photon Cancelled a Few Minutes Before the Start (Feb 2, 2009)
Изображение спутника "Коронас-ФОТОН" с сайта проекта Запуск спутника "Коронас-ФОТОН" отменен за несколько минут до старта Запуск российского спутника "Коронас-ФОТОН", который должен был состояться с космодрома Плесецк 29...